Alfabetical list of the national Internet domains

Domein Country
.ad Andorra
.ae United Arab Emirates
.af Afghanistan
.ag Antigua and Barbuda
.ai Anguilla
.al Albania
.am Armenia
.ao Angola
.aq Antarctica
.ar Argentinia
.as American Samoa
.at Austria
.au Australia
.aw Aruba
.az Azerbeijan
.ba Bosnia and Herzegovina
.bb Barbados
.bd Bangladesh
.be Belgium
.bf Burkina Faso
.bg Bulgaria
.bh Bahrein
.bi Burundi
.bj Benin
.bm Bermuda
.bn Brunei
.bo Bolivia
.bq Caribibbean Netherlands
.br Brazil
.bs Bahamas
.bt Bhutan
.bw Botswana
.by Belarus
.bz Belize
.ca Canada
.cc CocosIslands
.cd Congo-Kinshasa
.cf Central African Republic
.cg Congo-Brazzaville
.ch Switserland
.ci Côte d'Ivoire
.ck Cook Islands
.cl Chile
.cm Cameroon
.cn China
.co Colombia
.cr Costa Rica
.cu Cuba
.cv Cape Verde
.cw Curaçao
.cx Christmas Island
.cy Cyprus
.cz Czech Republic
.de Germany
.dj Djibouti
.dk Denmark
.dm Dominica
.do Dominican Republic
.dz Algeria
.ec Ecuador
.ee Estonia
.eg Egypt
.eh Western Sahara
.er Eritrea
.es Spain
.et Ethiopa
.fi Finland
.fj Fiji
.fk Falkland Islands
.fm Micronesia
.fo Faroe Islands
.fr France
.fr & .bl Saint-Barthélemy
.fr & .mf Saint-Martin
.ga Gabon
.gd Grenada
.ge Georgia
.gf French Guiana
.gg Guernesey
.gh Ghana
.gi Gibraltar
.gl Greenland
.gm Gambia
.gn Guinea
.gp Guadeloupe
.gq Equatorial Guinea
.gr Greece
.gs South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
.gt Guatemala
.gu Guam
.gw Guinea-Bissau
.gy Guyana
.hk Hong Kong
.hn Honduras
.hr Croatia
.ht Haïti
.hu Hungary
.id Indonesia
.ie Ireland
.il Israël
.im Isle of Man
.in India
.io British Indian Ocean Territory
.iq Iraq
.ir Iran
.is Iceland
.it Italy
.je Jersey
.jm Jamaica
.jo Jordan
.jp Japan
.ke Kenya
.kg Kyrgystan
.kh Cambodia
.ki Kiribati
.km Comoros
.kn Saint Kitts and Nevis
.kp North Korea
.kr South Korea
.kw Kuweit
.ky Cayman Islands
.kz Kazakchstan
.la Laos
.lb Lebanon
.lc Saint Lucia
.li Liechtenstein
.lk Sri Lanka
.lr Liberia
.ls Lesotho
.lt Lithuania
.lu Luxembourg
.lv Latvia
.ly Libya
.ma Morocco
.mc Monaco
.md Moldova
.me Montenegro
.mg Madagascar
.mh Marshall islands
.mk Macedonia
.ml Mali
.mm Myanmar
.mn Mongolia
.mo Macao
.mp Northern Mariana Islands
.mq Martinique
.mr Mauritania
.ms Montserrat
.mt Malta
.mu Mauritius
.mv Maldives
.mw Malawi
.mx Mexico
.my Malaysia
.mz Mozambique
.na Namibia
.nc New Caledonia
.ne Niger
.nf Norfolk Islands
.ng Nigeria
.ni Nicaragua
.nl Netherlands
.no Norway
.np Nepal
.nr Nauru
.nu Niue
.nz New Zealand
.om Oman
.pa Panama
.pe Perú
.pf French Polynesia
.pg Papua New Guinea
.ph Philippines
.pk Pakistan
.pl Poland
.pm Saint-Pierre and Miquelon
.pn Pitcairn Islands
.pr Puerto Rico
.ps Palestine
.pt Portugal
.pw Palau
.py Paraguay
.qa Qatar
.re Réunion
.ro Romania
.rs Serbia
.ru Russia
.rw Rwanda
.sa Saudi Arabia
.sb Solomon islands
.sc Seychelles
.sd Sudan
.se Sweden
.sg Singapore
.sh & .ac Sint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
.si Slovenia
.sj Svalbard
.sk Slovakia
.sl Sierra Leone
.sm San Marino
.sn Senegal
.so Somalia
.sr Suriname
.ss South Sudan
.st Sao Tomé and Principe
.sv El Salvador
.sx Sint-Maartten
.sy Syria
.sz eSwatani
.tc Turks and Caicos islands
.td Chad
.tf French Southern and Antarctic Lands
.tg Togo
.th Thaïland
.tj Tajikistan
.tk Tokelau
.tl & .tp East Timor
.tm Turkmenistan
.tn Tunisia
.to Tonga
.tr Turkey
.tt Trinidad and Tobago
.tv Tuvalu
.tw Taiwan
.tz Tanzania
.ua Ukraine
.ug Uganda
.uk United Kingdom
.us United States
.uy Uruguay
.uz Uzbekistan
.va Vatican City
.vc Saint-Vincent and the Grenadines
.ve Venezuela
.vg British Virgin Islands
.vi United States Virgin Islands
.vn Vietnam
.vu Vanuatu
.wf Wallis and Futuna
.ws Samoa
.xk Kosovo
.ye Yemen
.yt Mayotte
.za South Africa
.zm Zambia
.zw Zimbabwe

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