Pictures galleries

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If we visited a country, a region, a city or a site, we devoted a report of 20 to 50 photos to it, depending on the length of time our visit lasted and the relevance of the place.

Czech Republic
United States        
Region Sub-region / Departement City / Place
Gjirokastër County Gjirokastër District Gjirokastër (the fortress)
Gjirokastër County Gjirokastër District Gjirokastër (the city)
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Cordoba Province   Sierra de Cordoba
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Brussels Region   Winter Wonders 2012 (Brussels City)
Flemish Region Flemish Brabant Tervueren (Royal Museum for Central Africa)
Flemish Region East Flanders Ghent (The town)
Flemish Region West Flanders Blankenberge (Sandsculpture)
Flemish Region West Flanders Bruges (The town in june)
Flemish Region West Flanders Bruges (The town in november)
Flemish Region West Flanders Bruges (Icesculpture)
Flemish Region West Flanders Bruges (Views from the canals)
Flemish Region West Flanders Ostend
Flemish Region West Flanders Ypres
Walloon Region Hainaut Pairi Daiza
Walloon Region Liège Waterfalls of Coo
Walloon Region Liège Limbourg
Walloon Region Namur Chevetogne
Walloon Region Walloon Brabant Nivelles
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Federal state of Paraná   Around Curitiba
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Ontario   Kingston
Ontario   Ottawa
Ontario   Toronto
Ontario   Waterfalls of Niagara
Québec   Canyon Sainte Anne
Québec   La Tuque
Québec   Montreal
Québec   Saint-Alexis-des-Monts
Québec   Saint-Félicien (The wild zoo)
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Dalmatia Dubrovnik-Neretva County Dubrovnik (Old town)
Dalmatia Dubrovnik-Neretva County Dubrovnik (The ramparts)
Dalmatia Split-Dalmatia County County Split (Diocletian's Palace)
Dalmatia Split-Dalmatia County County Split (Old town)
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Larnaca District   Hala Sultan Tekke
Larnaca District   Larnaca (Saint Lazarus Church)
Larnaca District   Monastery of Agia Thekla
Limassol istrict   Governor's Beach
Limassol istrict   Petra Tou Romiou
District Limassol Nicosia District   Monastery of Macheiras
Paphos District   Agios Giorgios (The harbour)
Paphos District   Agios Giorgios (The basilicas)
Paphos District   Kato Paphos
Paphos District   Lachti
Paphos District   Polis Chrysochous
Paphos District   Akamas peninsula (Path of Aphrodite)
Paphos District   Akamas peninsula (Baths of Aphrodite)
Northern Cyprus District Famagouste (Gazimağusa) Famagouste intra muros (Gazimağusa)
Northern Cyprus District Famagouste (Gazimağusa) Panagia Pergaminiotissa (Church and Miniature Park)
Northern Cyprus District Famagouste (Gazimağusa) Saint Barnabas (Monastery, Museum, Mausoleum)
Northern Cyprus District Famagouste (Gazimağusa) Ancient site of Salamis
Northern Cyprus District İskele Diskarpaz (Church, Mosque, village)
Northern Cyprus District İskele Apostle Andrew Monastery (Dipkarpaz)
Northern Cyprus District Kyrenia (Girne) Bellapais Abbey (Abbaye de la Belle Paix)
Northern Cyprus District Kyrenia (Girne) Bellapais (Village)
Northern Cyprus District Kyrenia (Girne) Saint-Hilarion castle
Northern Cyprus District Kyrenia (Girne) Kyrenia (Fortress)
Northern Cyprus District Kyrenia (Girne) Kyrenia (Ancient port)
Northern Cyprus District Morfou (Güzelyurt) Soles Amphitheater
Northern Cyprus District Morfou (Güzelyurt) Church and Museum of Saint Mamas
Northern Cyprus District de Nicosie (Lefkoşa) North Nicosia (Lefkoşa)
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Czech Republic
Central Bohemia   Karlštejn (Village and castle)
Central Bohemia   Prague (Details of frontages)
Central Bohemia   Prague (Charles Bridge)
Central Bohemia   Prague (around the Charles Bridge)
Central Bohemia   Prague (Zodiac of the St. Vitus Cathedral)
Central Bohemia   Prague (Arches in the city)
Central Bohemia   Prague (The old town)
Central Bohemia   Prague (Doors in the city)
Central Bohemia   Prague (The signages in the city)
Hradek Kralove   Hradek Kralove
Olomouc   Bouzov (Castle)
Olomouc   Olomouc
South Bohemia   Ceske Budejovice
South Bohemia   Ceske Krumlov
South Bohemia   Hluboka nad Vitavou
South Bohemia   Jindrichuv Hradec (Town, castle and park)
South Bohemia   Tábor
South Bohemia   Trebon (Town, castle and park)
South Bohemia   Zvikov
South Moravia   Austerlitz (Slavkov u Brna)
South Moravia   Buchlovice (Castle en park)
South Moravia   Lednice (Village, kasteel and park)
South Moravia   Mikulov (Town, castle and park)
South Moravia   Mohyla Miru
South Moravia   Telc (Town, castle and park)
South Moravia   Valtice (Village, castle and park))
South Moravia   Zdar nad Sazavou
South Moravia   Znojmo (Town, castle and collegiate church)
Zlín Region   Kromeric (Town, castle and park)
Zlín Region   Zlín
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South Finland Uusimaa Helsinki
West Finland Central Finland Jyväskylä Region
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Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Ardèche (07) Eyrieux valley
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Drôme (26) Suze-la-Rousse (The castle)
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Drôme (26) Valence
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Isère (38) Vienne
Brittany Côtes-d'Armor (22) Cap Fréhel
Brittany Côtes-d'Armor (22) Dinan (Old city)
Brittany Côtes-d'Armor (22) Dinan (The harbour on the Rance)
Brittany Côtes-d'Armor (22) Dinan (Ramparts)
Brittany Côtes-d'Armor (22) Dinan ("Rue du Jerzual")
Brittany Côtes-d'Armor (22) Fort-la-Latte
Brittany Côtes-d'Armor (22) Saint-Cast-le-Guildo
Brittany Finistère (29) Concarneau
Brittany Finistère (29) Doëlan
Brittany Finistère (29) Kerascoët
Brittany Finistère (29) Riec-sur-Belon
Brittany Ille-et-Vilaine (35) Cancale (Port de La Houle)
Brittany Ille-et-Vilaine (35) Fougères
Brittany Ille-et-Vilaine (35) Pointe du Grouin
Brittany Ille-et-Vilaine (35) Rennes
Brittany Ille-et-Vilaine (35) Vitré
Brittany Morbihan (56) Carnac
Brittany Morbihan (56) Côte Sauvage
Brittany Morbihan (56) La Trinité-sur-Mer
Brittany Morbihan (56) Locmariaquer
Brittany Morbihan (56) Quiberon
Brittany Morbihan (56) Vannes
Centre - Val-de-Loire Eure-et-Loir (28) Nogent-le-Rotrou May 2024
Centre - Val-de-Loire Indre-et-Loire (37) Chinon
Centre - Val-de-Loire Indre-et-Loire (37) Loches
Corsica Corse du Sud (2A) Ajaccio
Corsica Corse du Sud (2A) Bay of Minaccia and Beach of Saint Antoine
Corsica Corse du Sud (2A) Beach of Cupabia
Corsica Corse du Sud (2A) Bonifacio
Corsica Corse du Sud (2A) Gravona valley
Corsica Corse du Sud (2A) îles Sanguinaires and Pointe de la Parata
Corsica Corse du Sud (2A) Isollela (Peninsula and genoese tower)
Corsica Corse du Sud (2A) Porto (Village and genoese tower)
Corsica Corse du Sud (2A) Porto-Vecchio
Grand Est Bas-Rhin (67) Haut-Koenigsbourg (Castle of)
Grand Est Bas-Rhin (67) Kintzheim
Grand Est Bas-Rhin (67) Kintzheim (Montagne des Singes)
Grand Est Bas-Rhin (67) Mont Sainte-Odile
Grand Est Bas-Rhin (67) Strasbourg
Grand Est Bas-Rhin (67) Wissembourg
Grand Est Haut-Rhin (68) Colmar
Grand Est Haut-Rhin (68) Ribeauville
Grand Est Haut-Rhin (68) Riquewihr
Grand Est Moselle (57) étang de Hanau
Grand Est Ardennes (08) Charleville-Mézières
Grand Est Marne (51) Lake of Der-Chantecoq
Grand Est Marne (51) Reims
Hauts-de-France Nord (59) Cambrai
Hauts-de-France Nord (59) Gravelines
Hauts-de-France Oise (60) Chantilly (The castle)
Hauts-de-France Oise (60) Pierrefonds (The castle) October 2024
Hauts-de-France Oise (60) Saint-Leu-d'Esserent (Town and monastery)
Hauts-de-France Oise (60) Senlis (Old City)
Hauts-de-France Pas-de-Calais (62) Boulogne
Hauts-de-France Pas-de-Calais (62) Cap Gris Nez
Hauts-de-France Pas-de-Calais (62) Lille
Normandy Calvados (14) Beauvron-en-Auge
Normandy Calvados (14) Caen
Normandy Calvados (14) Honfleur
Normandy Manche (50) Cherbourg-Octeville
Normandy Seine-Maritime (76) Étretat
Normandy Seine-Maritime (76) Fécamp
Nouvelle Aquitaine Charente Maritime (17) A 10 - Rest area of Lozay
Nouvelle-Aquitaine Charente Maritime (17) Brouage
Nouvelle-Aquitaine Charente Maritime (17) Île de Ré - Saint-Clément-des-Baleines
Nouvelle-Aquitaine Charente Maritime (17) Île de Ré (The Whale Lighthouse)
Nouvelle-Aquitaine Charente Maritime (17) Île de Ré - Saint-Martin-de-Ré
Nouvelle-Aquitaine Charente Maritime (17) La Rochelle
Nouvelle-Aquitaine Charente Maritime (17) Le Château-d'Oléron
Nouvelle-Aquitaine Charente Maritime (17) Meschers-sur-Gironde
Nouvelle-Aquitaine Charente Maritime (17) Rochefort (The rebuilding of the Hermione)
Nouvelle Aquitaine Charente Maritime (17) Saint-Jean-d'Angély
Nouvelle-Aquitaine Charente Maritime (17) Saintes
Nouvelle-Aquitaine Charente Maritime (17) Talmont-sur-Gironde
Nouvelle-Aquitaine Charente Maritime (17) Tonnay-Charente
Nouvelle-Aquitaine Gironde (33) Andernos-les-Bains (The oyster port)
Nouvelle-Aquitaine Gironde (33) Andernos (The Saint-Éloi church and the remains)
Nouvelle-Aquitaine Gironde (33) Blaye (The Citadel)
Nouvelle-Aquitaine Gironde (33) Bourg
Nouvelle-Aquitaine Gironde (33) Cap-Ferret
Nouvelle-Aquitaine Gironde (33) Saint-Émilion
Nouvelle-Aquitaine Gironde (33) Saint-Macaire
Nouvelle-Aquitaine Lot-et-Garonne (47) Agen
Nouvelle-Aquitaine Lot-et-Garonne (47) Bonaguil (Castle of)
Nouvelle-Aquitaine Pyrénées-Atlantiques (64) Bayonne
Nouvelle-Aquitaine Pyrénées-Atlantiques (64) Biarritz
Nouvelle-Aquitaine Pyrénées-Atlantiques (64) Espelette
Nouvelle-Aquitaine Pyrénées-Atlantiques (64) Saint-Jean-de-Luz
Nouvelle-Aquitaine Deux-Sèvres (79) Niort
Nouvelle-Aquitaine Vienne (86) Futuroscope
Occitania Aude (11) Carcassonne (Cité de Carcassonne)
Occitania Aude (11) Castelnaudary (the city)
Occitania Aveyron (12) Rodez
Occitania Gard (30) Aigues-Mortes
Occitania Gard (30) Gardon Gorge
Occitania Gard (30) Pont du Gard
Occitania Gard (30) Pont-Saint-Esprit
Occitania Herault (34) Pézenas
Occitania Herault (34) Sète
Occitania Pyrénées-Orientales (66) Fortress of Bellegarde
Occitania Tarn (81) Castres
Pays de la Loire Loire Atlantique (44) Châteaubriant (The Castle)
Pays de la Loire Loire Atlantique (44) Clisson
Pays de la Loire Loire Atlantique (44) Clisson ("Montmartre à Clisson")
Pays de la Loire Loire Atlantique (44) Guérande
Pays de la Loire Loire Atlantique (44) Nantes (The squadron escortship Maillé-Brézé)
Pays de la Loire Loire Atlantique (44) Pornic
Pays de la Loire Maine-et-Loire (49) Fontevraud Abbey
Pays de la Loire Maine-et-Loire (49) St-Hilaire-St-Florent (Wine cellar Bouvet-Ladubay)
Pays de la Loire Vendee (85) Apremont (The village, the lake and the castle)
Pays de la Loire Vendee (85) Beaulieu sous La Roche (The Village)
Pays de la Loire Vendee (85) Beaulieu sous La Roche (The "Féérie des santons")
Pays de la Loire Vendée (85) Challans (Old Fair - 2018 edition)
Pays de la Loire Vendee (85) Island of Noirmoutier
Pays de la Loire Vendee (85) Jard-sur-Mer (Cape of Payré)
Pays de la Loire Vendée (85) La Chaize-Giraud
Pays de la Loire Vendée (85) La Roche-sur-Yon ("Place Napoléon")
Pays de la Loire Vendée (85) Le Girouard
Pays de la Loire Vendee (85) Les Sables-d'Olonne (The town and the harbour)
Pays de la Loire Vendee (85) Les Sables- d'Olonne (The "Rue d'Assas")
Pays de la Loire Vendee (85) Les Sables-d'Olonne (The Castle of la Chaume)
Pays de la Loire Vendee (85) Les Sables-d'Olonne (The saltworks of Aubraie)
Pays de la Loire Vendée (85) Les Sables-d'Olonne (Vendée Air Show 2017)
Pays de la Loire Vendée (85) Les Sables-d'Olonne (V.G. 2016 - "Village")
Pays de la Loire Vendée (85) Les Sables-d'Olonne (V.G. 2020 - Preparations)
Pays de la Loire Vendée (85) Les Sables-d'Olonne (V.G. 2020 - Start)
Pays de la Loire Vendée (85) L'île d'Olonne (Fête des Vieux Métiers - 2019)
Pays de la Loire Vendee (85) L'île-d'Yeu (La Meule)
Pays de la Loire Vendee (85) L'île-d'Yeu (Port Joinville)
Pays de la Loire Vendée (85) L'île-d'Yeu (Western coast)
Pays de la Loire Vendée (85) Poiroux (The "Folie de Finfarine")
Pays de la Loire Vendee (85) Saint-Gilles-Croix-de-Vie
Pays de la Loire Vendée (85) Saint Hilaire-de-Riez
Pays de la Loire Vendee (85) Saint Julien-des-Landes
Pays de la Loire Vendée (85) Saint Julien-des-Landes (Garden of Mimozières)
Pays de la Loire Vendee (85) Talmont-Saint-Hilaire
Pays de la Loire Vendee (85) The "Lac du Jaunay"
Pays de la Loire Vendee (85) The "Passage du Gois"
Pays de la Loire Vendée (85) Vouvant
Provence Alpes-Côte d'Azur Alpes Maritimes (06) Nice (The old town)
Provence Alpes-Côte d'Azur Alpes Maritimes (06) Nice (The "Promenade des Anglais" and the beach)
Provence Alpes-Côte d'Azur Alpes Maritimes (06) Vallée des Merveilles
Provence Alpes-Côte d'Azur Bouches-du-Rhône (14) Aix-en-Provence
Provence Alpes-Côte d'Azur Bouches-du-Rhône (14) Arles (Antique Departmental Museum)
Provence Alpes-Côte d'Azur Bouches-du-Rhône (14) Marseille (Basilica of Our Lady of the Guard)
Provence Alpes-Côte d'Azur Bouches-du-Rhône (14) Marseille (Old Port)
Provence Alpes-Côte d'Azur Bouches-du-Rhône (14) Marseille (The City)
Provence Alpes-Côte d'Azur Vaucluse (84) Apt
Provence Alpes-Côte d'Azur Vaucluse (84) Avignon (The old town)
Provence Alpes-Côte d'Azur Vaucluse (84) Bédoin
Provence Alpes-Côte d'Azur Vaucluse (84) Blauvac (Notre-Dame-des-Neiges)
Provence Alpes-Côte d'Azur Vaucluse (84) Bonnieux
Provence Alpes-Côte d'Azur Vaucluse (84) Cabrières-d'Avignon (Lavander Museum)
Provence Alpes-Côte d'Azur Vaucluse (84) Carpentras
Provence Alpes-Côte d'Azur Vaucluse (84) Fontaine-de-Vaucluse
Provence Alpes-Côte d'Azur Vaucluse (84) Gordes
Provence Alpes-Côte d'Azur Vaucluse (84) Goult
Provence Alpes-Côte d'Azur Vaucluse (84) Joucas
Provence Alpes-Côte d'Azur Vaucluse (84) L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue
Provence Alpes-Côte d'Azur Vaucluse (84) Lioux (Castle of Javon)
Provence Alpes-Côte d'Azur Vaucluse (84) Oppède-le-Vieux
Provence Alpes-Côte d'Azur Vaucluse (84) Pernes-les-Fontaines
Provence Alpes-Côte d'Azur Vaucluse (84) Roussillon
Provence Alpes-Côte d'Azur Vaucluse (84) Roussillon - The ochres footpath
Provence Alpes-Côte d'Azur Vaucluse (84) Saint-Saturnin-lès-Apt
Provence Alpes-Côte d'Azur Vaucluse (84) Vacqueyras
Provence Alpes-Côte d'Azur Vaucluse (84) Vaison-la-Romaine (The archaeological site)
Provence Alpes-Côte d'Azur Vaucluse (84) Vaison-la-Romaine (The high town)
Provence Alpes-Côte d'Azur Vaucluse (84) Vaison-la-Romaine (The low town)
Provence Alpes-Côte d'Azur Vaucluse (84) Villes-sur-Auzon
Overseas La Réunion (974) Bélouve forest
Overseas La Réunion (974) Cirque de Cilaos and Cascade Rouge
Overseas La Réunion (974) Cirque de Mafate
Overseas La Réunion (974) Cirque de Salazie
Overseas La Réunion (974) Jardin d'Eden
Overseas La Réunion (974) Kélonia
Overseas La Réunion (974) Le Trou du Souffleur
Overseas La Réunion (974) Littoral path of Étang-Salé
Overseas La Réunion (974) Piton de la Fournaise
Overseas La Réunion (974) Piton des Neiges
Overseas La Réunion (974) Plage de l'Ermitage
Overseas La Réunion (974) Saint-Denis
Overseas La Réunion (974) Saint-Paul
Overseas La Réunion (974) Trip around the Island with an helicopter
Overseas La Réunion (974) Views through the Island
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Rhineland-Palatinate District of Trier-Saarburg Mehring (The "Villa Romana")
Rhineland-Palatinate District of Trier-Saarburg Mehring (The village)
Rhineland-Palatinate District of Trier-Saarburg Saarburg (The old town)
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Gibraltar   Gibraltar (Europa Point)
Gibraltar   Gibraltar (The city and harbour)
Gibraltar   Gibraltar (The Great Siege Tunnels)
Gibraltar   Gibraltar (The Rock)
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Attica   Athens (Akropolis)
Attica   Athens (Plaka)
Attica   Athens (The town)
Attica   Cape Sounion
Attica   Eleusis (The archeological site)
Central Greece Phocis Delphi
Crete Chania regional unit Agia Triada (Moni Agia Triada Tsangarolon)
Crete Chania regional unit Agia Triada (Moni Gouverneto)
Crete Chania regional unit Chania
Crete Chania regional unit Chrisoskalitissa (Moni Chrisoskalitissas)
Crete Chania regional unit Kolymvari
Crete Chania regional unit Kolymvari (Moni Gonias)
Crete Chania regional unit Palaiochora
Crete Chania regional unit Polyrrhenia
Crete Chania regional unit Spilia
Crete Departement Heraklion Agia Pelagia
Crete Departement Heraklion Gortyn (The archaeological site)
Crete Departement Heraklion Heraklion (The town)
Crete Departement Heraklion Heraklion (The archeological museum)
Crete Departement Heraklion Knossos ( The archeological site)
Crete Departement Heraklion Phaistos (The archaeological site)
Crete Departement Lasithi Agios Nikolaos
Crete Departement Lasithi Elounda and the Spinalonga peninsula
Crete Departement Lasithi Kritsa (The village)
Crete Departement Lasithi Spinalonga (The fortified island)
Crete Departement Rethimnon Rethimnon (The fortress)
Crete Departement Rethimnon Rethimnon (The old town)
Ionian Sea Ionian Islands Kerkyra (Corfu)
Peloponnese Argolis Epidaurus
Peloponnese Argolis Mycenae
Peloponnese Corinthia Nemea
South Aegean Islands Cyclades Delos
South Aegean Islands Cyclades Mykonos (The village)
South Aegean Islands Cyclades Mykonos (The beaches)
South Aegean Islands Cyclades Santorin (Thira)
South Aegean Islands Island of Rhodes Fileremos
South Aegean Islands Island of Rhodes Lindos
South Aegean Islands Island of Rhodes Monólithos (The castle)
South Aegean Islands Island of Rhodes Rhodes (Extramuros: the ramparts and the port)
South Aegean Islands Island of Rhodes Rhodes (Old Town by night)
Suth Aegean Islaonds Island of Rhodes Rhodes (The "commercial" part of the medieval town)
Suth Aegean Islaonds Island of Rhodes Rhodes (The "military" part of the medieval town)
South Aegean Islands Island of Rhodes Rhodes (The residential areas of old Rhodes)
South Aegean Islands Island of Rhodes Savvas Ceramics - Traditional factory
South Aegean Islands Island of Sými Panormitis Monastery
South Aegean Islands Island of Sými Sými (The village and the port)
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Province of Connacht County Sigo Sligo and neighbourhood
Munster County Cork Kinsale
Munster County Cork Summer Cove (Charles Fort)
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Apulia Metropolitan City of Bari Bari (Old town)
Apulia Province of Lecce Lecce
Campania Metropolitan City of Naples Napels (The old town)
Campania Province of Salerno Salerno (The town and the harbour)
Campania Province of Salerno Salerno (Castello Arechi)
Lazio Metropolitan City of Rome Capital Civitavecchia
Lazio Metropolitan City of Rome Capital Rome
Liguria Metropolitan City of Genua Camogli
Liguria Metropolitan City of Genoa Genoa (The town)
Liguria Metropolitan City of Genoa Genoa (The Albertis castle)
Liguria Metropolitan City of Genoa Portofino
Liguria Metropolitan City of Genua Santa Margharita Ligure
Sardinia Province of Nuoro Cala Gonone
Sardinia Province of Oristano Capo San Marco
Sardinia Province of Oristano Magomadas
Sardinia Province of Sassari Alghero
Sardinia Province of Sassari Capo Caccia
Sardinia Province of Sassari Castelsardo
Sardinia Province of Sassari Caves of Neptunus
Sardinia Province of Sassari Isola Maddalena
Sardinia Province of Sassari Stintino
Sicily Province of Messina Messina
Sicily Metropolitan City of Messina Taormina (Rain of ashes)
Sicily Metropolitan City of Messina Taormina (The Ancient Theatre)
Sicily Metropolitan City of Messina Taormina (The old town)
Sicily Metropolitan City of Messina Tindari (Santuario Maria del Tindari)
Sicily Metropolitan City of Messina Tindari (The archeological site and his museum)
Sicily Metropolitan City of Messina Tindari (The village)
Sicily Province of Syracuse Syracuse (Island Ortygia)
Sicily Province of Syracuse Syracuse (The old city of Ortygia)
Tuscany Metropolitan City of Florence Florence
Tuscany Province of Pisa Pisa
Veneto Metropolitan City of Venice Venice (Canal Grande)
Veneto Province of Venice Venice (Venetian Lagoon)
Veneto Province of Venice Venice (Venetian Lagoon-Burano)
Veneto Province of Venice Venice (Venetian Lagoon-Murano)
Veneto Metropolitan City of Venice Venice (Sestiere of Cannaregio)
Veneto Province of Venice Venice (Sestiere of Castello)
Veneto Metropolitan City of Venice Venice (Sestiere of Dorsoduro)
Veneto Metropolitan City of Venice Venice (Sestiere of San Marco)
Veneto Metropolitan City of Venice Venice (Sestiere of San Polo)
Veneto Metropolitan City of Venice Venice (Sestiere of Santa Croce)
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Ma'an   Petra
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Clervaux Canton   Clervaux
Vianden Canton   Vianden
Wiltz Canton   Esch-sur-Sûre
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Malta Island   Hagar Qim (The temples)
Malta Island   Marsaxlokk
Malta Island   Mdina (The medieval walled town)
Malta Island   Mosta (The St Marija Assunta Church)
Malta Island   Tarxien (The temples)
Malta Island   Valletta (The Grandmaster's Palace)
Malta Island   Valletta (The St. Johns Co-Cathedral)
Malta Island   Valletta (The town and the harbour)
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Yucatan   Cancun
Yucatan   Tulum
Yucatan   Typical market
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Coastal Region Bay of Kotor Kotor (The old town)
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Grand Casablanca Prefecture of Casablanca Casablanca (Sultan Casa)
Grand Casablanca Prefecture of Casablanca Casablanca (The Hassan II Mosque)
Grand Casablanca Prefecture of Casablanca Casablanca (The town)
Rabat-Salé-Kénitra Prefecture of Rabat Rabat (The Hassan Tower and incomplete mosque)
Rabat-Salé-Kénitra Prefecture of Rabat Rabat (The Kasba der Oudaïa)
Rabat-Salé-Kénitra Prefecture of Rabat Rabat (Mausoleum of Mohammed V)
Souss-Massa-Drâa Departement Agadir Ida-Outanane Agadir (Herbalism Malak)
Souss-Massa-Drâa Departement Agadir Ida-Outanane Agadir (The kasbah)
Souss-Massa-Drâa Departement Agadir Ida-Outanane Agadir (The modern town)
Souss-Massa-Drâa Prefecture of Agadir-Ida-Ou Tanane Agadir (The Mohamed V Mosque)
Souss-Massa-Drâa Prefecture of Agadir-Ida-Ou Tanane Agadir ("La Folie berbère")
Souss-Massa-Drâa Prefecture of Agadir-Ida-Ou Tanane Agadir (Souq El Had)
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North Holland   Amsterdam (The city)
North Holland   Amsterdam (The Vondelpark)
North Holland  

Amsterdam (Views from the canals)

South Holland   Gorinchem
South Holland   Keukenhof
Provincie Utrecht   Utrecht (The city)
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Pomeranian Voivodeship   Gdańsk (Details of frontages)
Pomeranian Voivodeship   Gdańsk (Dliga & Dlugi Targ)
Pomeranian Voivodeship   Gdańsk (The signages in the city)
Pomeranian Voivodeship   Gdańsk (Doors in the city)
Pomeranian Voivodeship   Gdańsk (Motlawa and its banks)
Pomeranian Voivodeship   Gdańsk (Some statues)
Pomeranian Voivodeship   Gdańsk (old town)
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Algarve District of Faro Albufeira (The town)
Algarve District of Faro Albufeira (The beach)
Algarve District of Faro Armação de Pêra
Algarve District of Faro Azulejos
Algarve District of Faro Cabo de São Vicente
Algarve District of Faro Cacela Velha
Algarve District of Faro Castro Marim
Algarve District of Faro Estoi (Ruins of Milreu)
Algarve District of Faro Fabrica
Algarve District of Faro Faro
Algarve District of Faro Loulé
Algarve District of Faro Paderne (Castelo de)
Algarve District of Faro Ponta de Piedade (Lagos)
Algarve District of Faro Sagres
Algarve District of Faro Silves
Algarve District of Faro Tavira
Azores Islands San Miguel Island Caldeira Velha
Azores Islands San Miguel Island Costa Norte
Azores Islands San Miguel Island Dolphins
Azores Islands San Miguel Island Furnas
Azores Islands San Miguel Island Lagoas das Sete Cidades
Azores Islands San Miguel Island Vila Franca do Campo e a seu ilhéu
Madeira Islands Madeira Island Arco de San Jorge and the North Coast
Madeira Islands Madeira Island Câmara de Lobos
Madeira Islands Madeira Island Caniçal (The village and the port)
Madeira Islands Madeira Island Caniçal (The Whale Museum)
Madeira Islands Madeira Island Funchal (The botanical garden
Madeira Islands Madeira Island Funchal (The seaside area)
Madeira Islands Madeira Island Funchal (Mercado dos Lavradores)
Madeira Islands Madeira Island Funchal (The town)
Madeira Islands Madeira Island Funchal (The wicker Toboggan Sledges)
Madeira Islands Madeira Island Funchal (Rua de Santa Maria)
Madeira Islands Madeira Island Funchal (Zona Velha)
Madeira Islands Madeira Island Ponta Delgada
Madeira Islands Madeira Island Ponta do Sol
Madeira Islands Madeira Island Porto Moniz and its natural pools
Madeira Islands Madeira Island Santana and its typical houses
Madeira Islands Madeira Island Santo Antonio da Serra and its Sunday market
Madeira Islands Madeira Island São Vicente
Lisbon Grande Lisboa Lisbon
Lisbon Grande Lisboa Lisbon (Torre de Belém)
Lisbon Grande Lisboa Lisbon (Castelo de Sao Jorge)
Lisbon Grande Lisboa Lisbon (The Mosteiro dos Jeronimos)
Lisbon Grande Lisboa Lisbon (Padrao dos Descobrimentos)
Lisbon Grande Lisboa Lisbon (The maritime museum)
Norte Region District of Porto Porto (The city)
Norte Region District of Porto Porto (Douro and its banks)
Norte Region District of Porto Porto (Ponto Luiz I. e funicular)
Norte Region District of Porto Porto (Some statues)
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Andalusia Province of Cadiz Cadiz
Andalusia Province of Malaga Malaga (The town)
Andalusia Province of Malaga Malaga (L'Alcazaba)
Andalusia Province of Malaga Malaga (Le Gibralfaro)
Andalusia Province of Malaga Malaga (Mercado de Atarazanas)
Balearic Islands Mallorca Island Palma de Mallorca (The town)
Balearic Islands Ibiza Island Ibiza (The old town - Dalt Villa)
Balearic Islands Ibiza Island Ibiza (The town and the harbour)
Basque Country Biscay Biscay coast (Bermeo to Flysch of Gorliz)
Basque Country Biscay Bilbao (Guggenheim Museum - Buildings)
Basque Country Biscay Bilbao (Guggenheim Museum - Exhibitions)
Basque Country Biscay Bilbao (Guggenheim Museum- M.A.A.A.)
Basque Country Guipúzcoa Hondarribia
Basque Country Guipúzcoa San Sebastián
Canary Islands Gran Canaria Gran Canaria (Landscapes on the island)
Canary Islands Lanzarote Island Arrecife
Canary Islands Lanzarote Island Timanfaya National Park
Canary Islands Tenerife Island Orotava (The botanical garden)
Canary Islands Tenerife Island Orotava (The old town)
Cantabria Province of Cantabria San Vicente de la Barquera
Cantabria Province of Cantabria Santander (Downtown)
Cantabria Province of Cantabria Santander (Magdalena Peninsula)
Cantabria Province of Cantabria Santillana del Mar (Collegiate Church and cloister)
Cantabria Province of Cantabria Santillana del Mar (The medieval village)
Cantabria Province of Cantabria Suances (Suances Lighthouse)
Catalonia Province of Barcelona Barcelona (Barri Gòtic)
Catalonia Province of Barcelona Barcelona (Casa Batlló)
Catalonia Province of Barcelona Barcelona (La Boqueria)
Catalonia Province of Barcelona Barcelona (La Casa Mila - La Pedrera)
Catalonia Province of Barcelona Barcelona (La Rambla)
Catalonia Province of Barcelona Barcelona (Maritime Museum)
Catalonia Province of Barcelona Barcelona (Park Güell)
Catalonia Province of Barcelona Barcelona (Poble espanyol)
Catalonia Province of Barcelona Barcelona (Sagrada Familia)
Catalonia Province of Barcelona Cardona (The castle and the basilica)
Catalonia Province of Barcelona Cardona (The city)
Catalonia Province of Barcelona Montserrat (The sierra, monastery and hermitage)
Catalonia Province of Girona Besalu
Catalonia Province of Girona Lloret de Mar
Catalonia Province of Lleida Lérida - Lleida (The old town)
Catalonia Province of Lleida Lérida - Lleida (The Seu Vella)
Catalonia Province of Tarragona Montblanc
Catalonia Province of Tarragona Reus
Catalonia Province of Tarragona Salou
Catalonia Province of Tarragona Santes Creus (the monastery)
Catalonia Province of Tarragona Santes Creus (the village in the outbuildings)
Catalonia Province of Tarragona Tarragona
Catalonia Province of Tarragona Tortosa
Galicia Province of A Coruña A Coruña
Galicia Province of A Coruña A Coruña (Castelo de San Anton)
Galicia Province of A Coruña A Coruña (Harbour and seaside)
Galicia Province of Pontavedra Vigo
Valencian Community Province of Castellón Castellón de la Plana
Valencian Community Province of Castellón Morella
Valencian Community Province of Castellón Morella (Castillo de Morella)
Valencian Community Province of Castellón Onda
Valencian Community Province of Castellón Onda (Castillo de Onda)
Valencian Community Province of Castellón Oropesa del Mar
Valencian Community Province of Castellón Oropesa del Mar (Marina d'Or)
Valencian Community Province of Castellón Peñíscola
Valencian Community Province of Castellón Peñíscola (el castillo)
Valencian Community Province of Castellón Sagunto
Valencian Community Province of Castellón Sagunto (Castillos de Sagunto & teatro antiguo)
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Värmland   Karlstad region
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Tunis Governorate Carthage municipality Carthage (Baths of Antoninus)
Tunis Governorate Carthage municipality Sidi Bou Saïd (Village)
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Aegean Region Aydin Province Aphrodisias
Aegean Region Aydin Province Didima-Didymes (House of models)
Aegean Region Aydin Province Didima-Didymes (Tempel of Apollo)
Aegean Region Aydin Province Kusadasi
Aegean Region Aydin Province Milet (Theatre)
Aegean Region Aydin Province Priène
Aegean Region Denizli Province Manufacturing of carpets
Aegean Region Denizli Province Pamukkale-Hierapolis ("Cotton Castle")
Aegean Region Denizli Province Pamukkale-Hierapolis (northern part)
Aegean Region Denizli Province Pamukkale-Hierapolis (southern part)
Aegean Region Izmir Province Izmir (Folk show)
Aegean Region Izmir Province Izmir (The greco-roman agora)
Aegean Region Izmir Province Izmir (The town)
Aegean Region Izmir Province Selçuk-Efes (Fortress and Basilica of St. John)
Aegean Region Izmir Province Selçuk-Efes ( Archeological site of Ephesus)
Aegean Region Izmir Province Selçuk-Efes (House of the Virgin Mary)
Aegean Region Izmir Province Selçuk-Efes (Isa Bey Mosque)
Aegean Region Izmir Province Selçuk-Efes (Tempel of Artemis)
Aegean Region Izmir Province Sirince
Central Anatolian Region Cappadocia Ballooning over the national park of Göreme
Central Anatolian Region Cappadocia The Devrent Valley (or Camel Valley)
Central Anatolian Region Cappadocia Gümüsler (The monastery)
Central Anatolian Region Cappadocia The Hunter's Valley
Central Anatolian Region Cappadocia The Göreme Open Air Museum
Central Anatolian Region Cappadocia The Pacha's Valley or Pasabag
Central Anatolian Region Cappadocia The undergound city Derinkuyu
Central Anatolian Region Cappadocia The village of Cavusin / Soganli
Central Anatolian Region Cappadocia Uçhisar, the fortress of Cappadoce
Central Anatolian Region Aksaray Province Sultan Han Caravanserail
Central Anatolian Region Konya Province Mevlana Resimleri
Central Anatolian Region   The way to the high grounds
Mediterranean Region Antalya Province Antalya (Archeological museum)
Mediterranean Region Antalya Province Antalya (Old town)
Mediterranean Region Antalya Province Antalya (Harbour, Düden waterfalls and cliff)
Mediterranean Region Antalya Province Antalya (folk show)
Mediterranean Region Antalya Province Antalya (Modern town)
Mediterranean Region Antalya Province Antalya (Typical markets)
Mediterranean Region Antalya Province Aspendos-Belkis (Aqueduct and village)
Mediterranean Region Antalya Province Aspendos-Belkis (Bridge from XIIIth century)
Mediterranean Region Antalya Province Aspendos-Belkis (Theatre)
Mediterranean Region Antalya Province Kemer (Beach and coast)
Mediterranean Region Antalya Province Manavgat (Rivermouth and beach)
Mediterranean Region Antalya Province Manavgat (The town)
Mediterranean Region Antalya Province Manavgat (Waterfalls)
Mediterranean Region Antalya Province Perge
Mediterranean Region Hatay Province Antakya (The archeological museum)
Mediterranean Region Hatay Province Antakya (The Habib-i Neccar Camiî Mosque)
Mediterranean Region Hatay Province Antakya (The old town)
Mediterranean Region Hatay Province Antakya (The Roman catholic church)
Mediterranean Region Mersin Province Anamur (The castle of Mamure - Mamure Kalesi)
Mediterranean Region Mersin Province Silifke (The Archeological site of Saint Thekla)
Mediterranean Region Mersin Province Tarsus (The old town and the Saint Paul's well)
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United Kingdom
England Cheshire Chester (the town)
England East Sussex Rye
England Hampshire Winchester (The castle)
England Hampshire Winchester (The cathedral)
England Hampshire Winchester (The town)
England Kent Canterbury (The cathedral)
England Kent Canterbury (The town)
England Kent Tenterden (Old Railway Station)
Northern Ireland County Down Belfast
Northern Ireland County Down Donaghadee
Scotland Council area of Edinburgh Edinburgh (The castle)
Scotland Council area of Stirling Stirling (The castle)
Scotland Council area of Highland Inverness (the town)
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United States
New York State New York City (NYC) Manhattan by night
New York State New York City (NYC) New York by day (part 1)
New York State New York City (NYC) New York by day (part 2)
New York State New York City (NYC) New York by day (part 3)
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Vatican City   Sint Peter's Basilica
Vatican City   Sint Peter's Square
Vatican City   Vatican Museums
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