
Airlines whose name starts with F (85)

Our lists contain airline companies subject of a prohibition of use in the European Union, of which the list is appointed frequently under the word "black list" but the name of the airline company is followed by the logo below.

or airlines subject of exploitation restrictions in the European Union, of which the list is appointed frequently under the word „grey list, but the name of the airline company is followed by the logo below.

Some companies listed in the European Commission lists are not listed here. These are the companies whose website has been closed or whose activities are stopped.

The last upgrade of the list of the European Commission, taken into account on, is here

Airline IATA code ICAO code Logo & link
FAI rent-a-jet (start 1986) F3 IFA
Falcon Aviation Services (start 2006) - FVS
Farnair Hungary (stop 2015)>>>ASL Airlines Hungary - FAH
Far Eastern Air Transport (stop 2019) EF EFA
Fastjet (start 2015) FN FJW
Federal Air (start 1989) 7V PDF
FedEx Express (start 1973) FX FDX
Feeder Airlines (stop 2013) - FDD
Felix Airways (start 2008) FO FXX
Fiji Airways (start 1951) FJ FJI
Fiji Link (start 2006) FJ FJA
Finist'Air (start 1981) - FTR
Finnair (start 1923) AY FIN
Firefly (start 2007) FY FFM
First Nation Airways (stop 2018) - FRN
First Air (stop 2019)>>>Canadian North 7F FAB
Fishtail Air (start 1997) - -
FitsAir (start 1997) 8D EXV
Five Forty Aviation (start 2006) 5H FFV
Flair Airlines (start 2005) F8 FLE
FlexFlight (start 2003) W2 FXT
Flight Alaska (stop 2017) 4Y TUD
Flight Express (start 2004) - FLX
Flightlink (start 2004) - FLZ
Flitestar Private Jets (start 2010) - -
FLN Frisia Luftverkehr (start 1969) - FRS
Florida Coastal Airlines (stop 2010) PA FCL
Florida West International Airways (stop 2017) RF FWL
Fly2Sky Airlines (start 2019) F6 VAW
Fly91 (start 2022) IC GOA
Fly 7 (start 2011) - -
Fly All Ways (start 2016) 8W EDR
Fly Angola (start 2018) - -
Fly Arna (start 2022) G6 ACY
Fly Baghdad (start 2017) IF FBA
Fly Coral Way (start 2023) FC FLY
Fly Gangwon (start 2019) 4H FGW
Fly-GH (start 2017) 5G FOX
Fly Guam (start 2011) - -
Fly Jamaica Airways (stop 2019) OJ FJM
Fly Jet KZ (start 2008) - FJK
Fly Jinnah (start 2022) 9P FJL
Fly My Sky (stop 2021) - -
Fly Namibia (start 2021) WV WAA
Fly Tiwi (start 2008) FT -
Fly540 (stop 2014)>>> Fly-GH 5H FFV
Flyadeal (start 2017) F3 FAD
FlyArystan (start 2019) KC KZR
FlyBair (start 2020) - -
Flybe (stop 2020) BE BEE
FlyBig (start 2020) S9 FLG
Flybondi (start 2016) FO FBZ
FlyBosnia (stop 2022) 6W FBS
Flydubai (start 2009) FZ FDB
Flyest (start 2015) FQ AEG
FlyEgypt (start 2015) FT FEG
FlyErbil (start 2018) HW UBD
Flyglinjen (stop 2018) 9I -
FlyGTA Airlines (start 2016) SX TOR
FlyJordan (start 2015) FO FR
FlyLux Airlines (start 2022) - -
FlyMe-Villa Air (start 2011) VP VQI
FlyMex (start 2007) - NTG
FlyMontserrat (start 2009) 5M MNT
FlyNas (start 2007) XY KNE
FlyOne (start 2016) 5F FIA
Flyone Armenia (start 2021) 3F FIE
FlyPelican (start 2014) FP FRE
FlyPersia (start 2018) FP FPI
Flypop (start 2021) ? ?
Flyr (stop 2023) FS FOX
FlySafair (start 2014) FA SFR
Flysouthern (start 2014) FS -
Fonnafly (start 1970) - NOF
40-Mile Air (stop 1989)>>>Warbelow's Air Ventures Q5 MLA
Freebird Airlines (start 2000) FH FHY
Freebird Airlines Europe (start 2018) MI FHM
Freedom Air (stop 2013) FP FRE
Freedom Airline Express (start 2019) 4F FDT
Freight Runners Express (start 1985) - FRG
French Bee (start 2016) BF FBU
Frontier Airlines (start 1994) F9 FTT
Frontier Flying Service (stop 2014) 2F FTA
Fuji Dream Airlines (start 2009) JH FDA
Fuzhou Airlines (start 2014) FU FZA

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