
Airlines whose name starts with M (93)

Our lists contain airline companies subject of a prohibition of use in the European Union, of which the list is appointed frequently under the word "black list" but the name of the airline company is followed by the logo below.

or airlines subject of exploitation restrictions in the European Union, of which the list is appointed frequently under the word „grey list, but the name of the airline company is followed by the logo below.

Some companies listed in the European Commission lists are not listed here. These are the companies whose website has been closed or whose activities are stopped.

The last upgrade of the list of the European Commission, taken into account on, is here .

Airline IATA code ICAO code Logo & link
M&N Aviation (start 1998) - -
Mack Air (start 1994) - MKB
Madagascar Airlines (start 2021) MD MDG
Madagasikara Airways (start 2015) 7D AYS
Magnicharters (start 1995) UJ GMT
Mahan Air (start 1992) W5 IRM
Mahogany Air (start 2016) KT HOG
Mainland Air (start 1991) MD MLD
Makalu Air(start 2009) - -
Malawi Airlines (start 2014) 3W MWI
Malaysia Airlines (start 1947) MH MAS
Maldivian (start 2000) Q2 DQA
Maldivian Air Taxi (stop 2013)>>>Trans Maldivian Airways MV MAT
Malev (stop 2012) MA MAH
Mali Air Express (start 2005) - VXP
Malindo Air-Batik Air Malaysia (start 2013) OD MXD
Malmö Aviation (stop 2001)>>>Braathens Regional TF SCW
Malta Air (start 2019) AL MAY
Malta MedAir (start 2018) MM MMO
Malu Aviation (start 1993) - -
Maluti Sky (stop 2017) 7D MSU
Manang Air(start 1997) - -
Mandala Airlines-Tigerair Mandala (stop 2014) RI MDL
Mandarin Airlines (start 1991) AE MDA
Mango (start 2006) JE MNO
Mann Yadanarpon Airlines (start 2014) 7Y MYP
Manta Air (start 2016) NR MAV
Manunggal Air Service (stop 2015) - -
Manx2 (stop 2012) NM -
MAP Linhas Aéreas (stop 2021)>>>Voepass) 7M PAM
Marathon Airlines (start 2017) O8 MTO
Maritime Air Charter (start 1996) - -
Maroomba Airlines (start 1985) KN -
Marta Buana Abadi - -
Martinair (start 1958) MP MPH
Martinaire (start 1978) - MRA
MasAir (start 1992) M7 MAA
MASkargo (start 1972) MH MAS
MASwings (start 2007) MH MWG
Mauritania Airlines (start 2010) L6 MAI
Max Air (start 2008) VM NGL
Maximus Air (start 2005) 6M MXM
Maya Island Air (start 1962) MW MAY
MAYAir (start 1994) 7M MYI
Mayoral Executive Jet (start 1985) - MYO
Med Airlines (start 1997) M8 -
Med Airways (stop 2015) 7Y MED
Medallion Air (stop 2013) - MDP
Med-View Airline (stop 2019) VL MEV
Medavia (start 1978) N5 MDM
Mega Aircompany (stop 2013) - MGK
Mega Maldives (stop 2017) 5M MEG
MEGAviation (start 2014) - ARM
Meraj Airlines (start 2013) JI MRJ
Meridian Airways (stop 2015) - MAG
Meridiana (stop 2020) IG ISS
Merpati Nusantara Airlines (restart 2019) MZ MNA
Mesa Airlines (start 1980) YV ASH
Mesaba Airlines (stop 2012) XJ MES
Metrojet (start 1997) - MTJ
Mexicana de Aviación (restart 2023) MX MXA
MHS Aviation (start 1983) - -
Miami Air International (stop 2020) KK BSK
MIAT (start 1956) OM MGL
Mid Airlines (start 2002) 7Y NYL
Mid-Sea Express - Fil-Asian Airways (start 2011) R1 RDV
Middle East Airlines (start 1946) ME MEA
Midex Airlines (stop 2015) MG MIX
Midwest Airlines (stop 2012) MY MWA
Mihin Lanka (stop 2016) MJ MLR
Mint Airways (stop 2012) IM MIC
Mission Aviation Fellowship Uganda (start 1987) - -
Mistral Air (stop 2019)>>> Poste Air Cargo 7M MSA
MJET (start 2007) - MJF
MNG Airlines (start 1997) MB MNB
Mokulele Airlines (start 1994) MW BUG
Moldavian Airlines (stop 2014) 2M MDV
Mombasa Air Safari (start 1985) - RRV
Monarch Airlines (stop 2018) ZB MON
Mongolian Airlines (stop 1993)>>>Hunnu Airlines MR MML
Montenegro Airlines (stop 2021)>>>Air Montenegro YM MGX
Mordovia Airlines (stop 2013) - -
Morningstar Air Express (start 1970) - MAL
Moskovia Airlines (stop 2014) 3R GAI
Motor Sich Airlines (start 1984) M9 MOD
Mountain Air (stop 2021) - -
Mountain Air Cargo (start 1974) C2 MTN
Mountain Helicopters (start 2009) - -
Mustique Airways (start 1979) - MAW
Mwant Jet (start 2018) - -
MY Airline (stop 2023) Z9 MYM
My Indo Airlines (start 2014) - -
Myanmar National Airlines (start 1948) UB UBA
Myanmar Airways International (start 1997) 8M MMA
Myflug (start 1985) - MYA
MyWay Airlines (start 2018) MJ MYW

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