
Airlines whose name starts with P (80)

Our lists contain airline companies subject of a prohibition of use in the European Union, of which the list is appointed frequently under the word "black list" but the name of the airline company is followed by the logo below.

or airlines subject of exploitation restrictions in the European Union, of which the list is appointed frequently under the word „grey list, but the name of the airline company is followed by the logo below.

Some companies listed in the European Commission lists are not listed here. These are the companies whose website has been closed or whose activities are stopped.

The last upgrade of the list of the European Commission, taken into account on, is here

Airline IATA code ICAO code Logo & link
Pacific Airlines (start 1991) BL PIC
Pacific Airways (start 2000) 3F -
Pacific Coast Jet (start 2006) - -
Pacific Coastal Airlines (start 1987) 8P PCO
Pacific Island Air (start 1999) - -
Pacific Pearl Airways (stop 2015) - PPM
Pacific Royale Airways (stop2012) RY PRQ
Pacific Wings (stop 2014) LW NMI
Pakistan Aviators & Aviation (start 2016) - -
Pakistan International Airlines (start 1946) PK PIA
PAL Airlines (stop 2014) 5P PCP
PAL Express (start 2008) 2P GAP
Palau Airways (stop 2013) P7 PAU
Palestinian Airlines (stop 2021) PF PNW
Pan African Airlines (start 1961) PF -
Pan Pacific Airlines (start 2017) 8Y AAV
Panellenic Private Aviation (start 2021) - -
Pantanal Linhas Aereas (stop 2013) GP PTN
Paranair (start 2015) ZP AZP
Pars Air (start 2021) - PRS
Pascan Aviation (start 1999) P6 PSC
Passaredo Transportes Aéreos (stop 2021)>>>Voepass Y8 PTB
Passion Air (start 2018) OP DIG
Pawan Hans (start 1985) - PHE
Peach Aviation (start 2012) MM APJ
Pegas Fly (start 1993) EO KAR
Pegasus Air Services (start 2007) - -
Pegasus Airlines (start 1991) PC PGT
Pel-Air (start 1984) PA PFY
Pelita Air Service (start 1963) 6D PAS
Penair (stop 2020) KS PEN
Penobscot Island Air (start 2004) - -
Pentastar Aviation (start 1964) - DCX
People's (start 2010) PO PEO
Perimeter Aviation (start 1960) JV PAG
Perúvian Airlines (stop 2019) P9 PVN
Pet Airways (stop 2011) - SUB
Petra Airlines (stop 2014) PT PTR
Petro Air (start 2008) - PEO
Petroleum Air Services (start 1982) UF PER
Philippine Airlines (start 1941) PR PAL
Philippines AirAsia (start 2012) Z2 APG
Phoebus Apollo Aviation (start 1995) PE PHB
Phoenix Air (start 1978) - PHA
Phuket Air (stop 2012) - VAP
Piedmont Airlines (start 1962) US PDT
Pineapple Air (start 1999) - PNP
Pinnacle Air (start 2008) - -
Pinnacle Airlines (stop 2012) 9E FLG
Pivot Airlines (start 1976) - GGN
PlaneSense (start 1995) - CNS
PLAY (start 2021) 0G FPY
PLUNA (sop 2012) PU PUA
Plus Ultra Líneas Aéreas (start 2015) PU PUE
Pobeda Airlines (start 2014) DP PBD
Polar Air Cargo (start 1993) PO PAC
Polar Airlines (start 1997) PI RKA
Polet Airlines (stop 2014) YQ POT
Polynesian Airlines - Samoa Airways (start 1959) PH PAO
Porter Airlines (start 2006) PD POE
Portugalia (start 1990) NI PGA
Poste Air Cargo (start 1981) M4 MSA
Prabhu Helicopter(start 2013) - - (start 2021) - -
Precision Air (start 1993) PW PRF
Premiair (start 1989) - -
Prime Aviation (start 2005) - PKZ
Primera Air (stop 2018) PF PRW
Prince Aviation (start 1990) - -
Princely Jets (start 1975) - PJP
PrivatAir (stop 2018) PT PTI
PrivateFly (start2008) - -
Private Wings (start 1991) 8W PWF
Privilege Style (start 2003) P6 PVG
Proflight Zambia (start 1991) P0 PFZ
Promech Airlines (start 1980) Z3 -
Propair (start 1954) - PRO
Provincial Airlines ( PAL Airlines)(start 1974) PB PVL
PSA Airlines (start 1995) US JIA
Puma Air Linhas Aéreas (stop 2011) P9 PLY

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